RBI Reg. No.RPCD 29/2011-12
Head office:- 1,Deendayal Puram,Mandav Link Road,DHAR (M.P), pincode:- -454001
Phone: 07292-234643, 222252, 235027, FAX 236365
email:[email protected],[email protected], Ifsc code :-CBIN0MPDCAK

Head office:-13, Marg, Near Tekri Area, Hate Singh Goyal Colony, Dewas(M.P), pincode:-455001,

Copyright 2017 © www.suvidhatech.net

RBI Reg. No.ग्राआऋवि 29/2011-12
जिला सहकारी केंद्रीय बैंक मर्यादित, धार
प्रधान कार्यालय :-1 दीनदयाल पुरम, माडव लिंक रोड,धार(म.प्र) पिनकोड:- 454001
फोन: 07292-234643, 222252, 235027, FAX 236365
ईमेल:[email protected],[email protected], Ifsc code :-CBIN0MPDCAK
web mail link

Financial Status of DCCB Dhar

Rs. In Lakh

Sr. No. PARTICULARS 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
1 Share Capital 5517.84 7470.51 7475.59
2 Of which State Govt. 0.00 1820.89 1820.89
3 Reserves and Other Funds 8033.43 9355.35 10016.32
4 Deposits 55075.97 56367.64 60530.14
5 Borrowings 46074.49 57184.64 58804.40
6 Loans & Adv. O/S. 80794.78 97004.19 107766.64
7 Investments 18601.96 22255.37 22572.43
8 Working Capital 117085.38 136318.42 139261.77
9 ST Loan Disbursement 52232.51 61509.63 60017.69
10 % of NPA to Loans O/S 15.79 19.28 16.26
11 Profit /Loss for the year 463.07 86.94 171.76
12 Accumulated Profit / Loss 463.07 86.94 171.76
13 % of Cost of Manageement 1.29 1.29 1.28
14 Recovery (% of Agri. Loan - 30 June) 62.11 47.29 61.58
15 % of CRAR 12.37 10.83 10.30